>Bloopers of the World – Unite!

>Blooper – an embarrassing mistake              :-))

(blunder, boner, boo-boo, botch, bungle, flub, foul-up, fuckup, pratfall, bloomer, error, fault, mistake – a wrong action attributable to bad judgement or ignorance or inattention)

So, as you must have guessed by now, today’s topic is bloopers committed by ….  Who, you ask?  Me, obviously to begin with πŸ™‚  and then we can move on to nicer stuff, like yours, for instance? He, he!
Let me start:
  • my colleague copied me in a mail sent to a client.  I happily responded to him with plenty of snide remarks about the client – little did I realise that I hit the “reply all” button and it was sent to the client and copied to my colleague!  :-((  Needless to say, we did not get the business.
  • My partner brought a gentleman to me at an event saying “look who’s where!”.  Our eyes met, I looked into his eyes earnestly and asked sweetly :”hi, have we met before?”  The person’s eyes became frosty and pat came the answer with a frown – “Yes, I had dinner at your place last month”!  Gulp,  I didn’t know where to look. 
  • Yours truly introducing two persons to each other  as Mr. X please meet Mr. Y , and actually doing exactly the opposite, i.e. telling Mr. X to meet Mr. X and vice versa.  Yikes. 😦
  • Now the best for the last – I  recently  sent  a mail to a friend of mine assuring her to not worry too much about  doing what her heart wants, as the  public memory is very short, and ultimately it does not matter, etc, etc.  She sent a response saying she could not stop giggling ever since she received my mail and she quoted:    “Please don’t worry, pubic memory is very short”    please note the figurative, literally and existential connotations.  
Ladies and Gentlemen, I rest my case.
And now from some others:
  • my dear ex-husband once introduced his mother to his friends as his “mother-in’law”.  Predictably, my mother-in-law was not amused at all. Thereafter she never left any chance to loudly broadcast the evil influence that her daughter-in-law had over her dear son!
  • one of my dear friends sent a mail to me last night – it was a very intense, very personal, very private mail.  And in her anxiety about ensuring that the mail reached me, she sent it to multiple mail i.ds of mine, albeit with an additional sprinkling of i.ds of other people with similar sounding names.  As a result, her private world was revealed electronically to a much wider audience than she would ever liked them to be. 
what are your bloopers?  Would you like to share?  πŸ™‚

I live in Bangalore, India, and by profession, I am CEO of a consulting organization, an Organization Consultant and an Executive Coach. I write because I like writing my thoughts and reflections for me to review my life and the life as I see around myself. However, sometimes it makes sense to convey my thoughts to others and connect with others. Maybe it strikes a chord; may be it does not. My life has been my most outstanding teacher, which is why I like sharing my experiences, memories, encounters and other narratives that I build as I go along. I am interested in people, society, culture, ways of life, individual and collective narratives/stories as they lead us to discover each other as nothing else does. I also write about my life, other people's lives that I have seen from close quarters and especially of those who have impated me greatly, society, culture, stories, mothering my daughter, believing in a feminine way of life, and most of all, I believe that all politics starts from the self and personal convictions

36 thoughts on “>Bloopers of the World – Unite!

  1. >Though it took place fairly early in my work life,it is my personal best so far . A suitably senior lady (fairly attractive and extremely annoying) walked into our department and was chatting up with a colleague in our cubicle of 4. This colleague was smitten by her to say the least. Wicked as we were, this other colleague and I started emailing each other twisted vivid one liners about their conversation and anatomy. We were also working simultaneously. We skipped a heartbeat when we discovered that instead of marking a work email this entire chain was marked to a hapless gentleman within the same organization!!


  2. >ok so here goes one of my many little selves suffers from big time foot in the mouth disease.a)I was once walking out of an exam hall and I walked to the car park there was a man who looked me up and down very inappropriately. He was in his 40's i was 16 and he was aware of my discomfort and continued to eyeball me and even did the singing out of tune thing men do to grab your attention.Perhaps its a serenade of the lowest order, a phallic song of himself…i was bristling and my classmate joined me. She asked what i was muttering and shaking about and I blurted out " God that guy's an asshole" she put her arm around me and said " he is believe me I know.He's my Dad". i apologized to her for several years and she only said "but its true da, i saw what he did" Can you imagine?b) I re-sent you a mail full of angst and personal details squinting because i had been working , slaving at home and calming my children who seem to want to kill each other after 7 PM everyday and cooking for my lovely kind neighbour…at the end of this squinting i re-sent you the mail that had not got to you and wanted to surprise you with my thoroughness but sorry da i sent many others this one.Others who would not find it remotely interesting and will definitely look at me like i was a raving gargonzola who wrote dark poetry and extraverted deeply disturbed facets of her personality. Brought to mind two things obviously you can hold my dark restlessness, thank you. And for the others who got it: it was the bloopiest blooper in my history of 35 years. I swear i am also capable of mirth, laughter and er..umm..stand up comedy?


  3. >:) πŸ™‚ enjoyed reading your post a lot….great humor…!!! Sometimes really we make such blunders..Thanks for your suggestion on my post…..will definitely keep that in mind while writing..


  4. >Of the many things, the one that pops to my mind right now is, when I was in class 10, I was introduced to a certain X from who studied in a different school than mine and we got talking. At the end of twenty minutes, I had blurted every single unpleasant remarks about a particular teacher who used to teach us. The world seemed such a small place at the end of it all, he said, oh so calmly that the teacher in question was his mother!


  5. >@sleepyface: LOL – not only the world a small place but its conspires to bring to you just that exact one person that you should not be with, ha ha! funny. I like your blogs too, especially "all the wrong 'uns".


  6. >hehehe! so I am not the only one enjoying your bloopers there are others too! remembered a presentation i had to give in front of 400 students on infilm advertising and i was nervous as hell. So we came to a scene of Taal, where anil kapoor gives a bottle of Coke to aishwarya rai, so instead of saying coke i said "as you can see anil kapoor is giving his cock to aishwarya rai"I think i would not have complained if i could have been swallowed by the stage floor. The whole audience was roaring with laughter as they thought i had done it on purpose


  7. >Hi Sharbouri, first let me say u have a beautiful name! secondly, thank you so much for visiting my blog, reading the posts and giving ur valuable comments. loved ur analysis on Check maid article.I loved ur this post! Well I am quite a cautious person,and do things just like that, so hardly any embarassing moments as such. the only one i can think of is that once due to slip of tongue i said "give the playboy to me" instead of "game boy", to my son. He grinned and i was completely irritated with my slip!i am following u too!restless


  8. >hhahhaaaa….you've written this with so much humor. Some moments are purely humorous, but some of them at that time can seem so impossibly humiliating. Like everybody who've had the unlucky misfortune of revealing their personal lives to the digital world at large. I've done enough bloopers in my life to probably fill a book now!…but for some reason one of the incidents come to mind, even though it is relatively tame…So in a group of friends we had two friends who we knew had something going on between them. The rest of us were getting rather impatient at their obviously failing tomfoolery and tricks to pull wool over our eyes. Once me and another friend of mine were having a serious bitching session via sms about these two. That time we had a thing going for group sms and in all the frustration of typing, i touched on the group sms option instead of my friend's name. So this sms which described in detail my mockery of this couple's escapades reached both of them…and oops!!…a war of nasty sms got initiated which went on for the next few days. Enough to say that i got suspicious of my own phone for a pretty long time.


  9. >omigod.. havent laughed this much looking at the computer screen in a while .. thank you for ur comment.. that was encouraging ..i will come back with my share of bloopers.. i have quite few …cheers..


  10. >Funny and these are the times when we say OMG!I have many more such situations to share… most of them are intriguingly hilarious when the memoirs pass over those moments!!!


  11. >Your post as well as the comments here were hilarious. I know there are many bloopers, will think over which ones to share over here. Till then, I thought I should atleast record my presence for the time being.


  12. >Wow, I always thought I was born on the wrong day to commit such blunders, but it turns out I am not the only one who is caught in such awkward situations. I am immensely relived and have a smile on my face after reading your post and the bloopers in the comments.


  13. >They say the best humor concerns darting the pun at oneself and lady, you've done a great job:) I loved all the anecdotes!Keep making more of them and let us savor the food for funny bone:)


  14. >That was a hilarious post! I am trying to think of such situations when i have goofed, but I must say I am a cautious person mostly! πŸ™‚ And hey, my website has shifted cybernag.in do visit and leave a comment about the new look! πŸ™‚


  15. >My blooper – my room mate in college was once going on and on about something on the lines of how great she is (i dont remember what it was ..but it was fairly boring) and i wanted to send an sms to another bored friend about how much blah blah she is doing and yes u guess it…i sent it to her :DI think i fell out of her fav ppl list that day πŸ˜€


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