>What is your idea of peace for yourself?


This question is not about the macro context, of what is happening in the wider context, in the community, in the country or in the world.  This question is asked more from  a fantasized dreamy personal point of view, i.e. when we think of peacefulness for ourselves, what is the idea, thought, imagery, visual for ourselves?

for me, peacefulness for myself brings up imagery of water, shades, trees, nature, quietude, alone amidst modest facilities or infrastructure. lots of sky around, sound of water but not with a sea in front.

place would have red flooring, old styles, may be tiled roof, coconut trees, (sounds like Kerala, na?) – cool breeze, birds chirping around, play of sun and shadow.

what is or are your dreamy peace visuals? 


I live in Bangalore, India, and by profession, I am CEO of a consulting organization, an Organization Consultant and an Executive Coach. I write because I like writing my thoughts and reflections for me to review my life and the life as I see around myself. However, sometimes it makes sense to convey my thoughts to others and connect with others. Maybe it strikes a chord; may be it does not. My life has been my most outstanding teacher, which is why I like sharing my experiences, memories, encounters and other narratives that I build as I go along. I am interested in people, society, culture, ways of life, individual and collective narratives/stories as they lead us to discover each other as nothing else does. I also write about my life, other people's lives that I have seen from close quarters and especially of those who have impated me greatly, society, culture, stories, mothering my daughter, believing in a feminine way of life, and most of all, I believe that all politics starts from the self and personal convictions

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